2:58am and still in love

speak to me,
I forget so easily,
I miss your voice once more…
I can see us,
where all the other people see,
and believe love should be,
too far & too close,
I feel you in places,
that forgot how to feel,
how dry is it here
like sleeping faces,
left in beds with dreams
that seemed so real,
have you forgotten me or have I forgotten…
somethings are heavier than the rain
and tears are hidden by the weather,
…the little things are all the same,
too much to miss, I wish them better…
in slow motion falling and never,
to ever
actually fall at all,
making no sense of
love, “where am I to go”
I’ve known no other comfort
i still awake to light steps upon my roof,
and pray to the clouds hovering
to carry you back as love so longs,
speak to me & I’ll promise to never move

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