I want hamburger to taste like steak–
I want steak to taste like veal.
I want veal to taste like venison
but I don’t want to eat it.
I want to grope the president
I want to stab your thigh with a fork
I want you to be online
I want always required disguises
I want to taste the gasoline smell
I want music to sound like something else
I want to give words color
I want to give color shape
I want no shapes
I want to trip the obese
I want my parents to be seventeen years old
I want hamartia to be like cold pizza.
I want pomoporno and pornotension
I want obtuse-oblique
I want to drive my car into a wall
I want to use your neck as a stair
I want war to continue
I want mandatory awkward
and salt and pepper nudes
I want organic yogurt
I want to burn things with my mind
I want that I should never again go camping
I want that you should have the itchiest of lives
I want platinum black credit
I want a book that ignites upon opening
I want that our hands should be more like knobs
I want a backstage pass to the misery of others
I want
I want
I want